
L-Gluta Power Soap

With Glutathione and Vitamin C

glutasoapGlutathione-rich skincare products are everywhere. It is very popular in the beauty industry because of the benefits it can provide to one’s skin. It is usually used in soaps, creams and lotions. When it comes to soaps with glutathione content, there are several brands to choose from to the point that you no longer can identify which one is really effective. But your choice should be L-Gluta Power Soap!

L-Gluta Power Soap is perfect if you aim to even out your skin tone. It has a scent of sampaguita which is very fresh and invigorating. It can remove dark spots, age spots, pimples marks and freckles. L-Gluta Power Soap can also whiten and lighten dark underarms, revive the suppleness of the skin while moisturizing and nourishing it.

What it contains

L-Gluta Power Whitening Soap contains the following:

  • Glutathione. This is a very powerful anti-aging amino acid and antioxidant that protects enzyme proteins and prevents skin damage that can cause wrinkles and scars. Glutathione can slow down aging and improve skin condition. It can also protect body cells and can help fight and prevent cancer and other diseases.
  • Vitamin E. This is also a strong antioxidant that delays the aging process, controls the harmful effects of free radicals and avoids the formation of thick scar. Vitamin E can be easily absorbed by the skin and is beneficial in treating sunburn and in protecting your skin from UV rays and pollution.

Its benefits

L-Gluta Power Whitening Soap provides the following benefits that not all soaps can deliver:

  • It has antioxidant properties. When a soap contains antioxidant properties, it can really provide good effects in your skin. It can get rid of the toxins produced by the body and protect your skin from further damages.
  • It contains anti-aging properties. L-Gluta Power Whitening Soap has excellent anti-aging properties that will help your skin to maintain its healthy and youthful glow. It can also keep the vitality of skin cells resulting to delayed aging process. It can also help lighten the skin.
  • Skin Whitening. Not all whitening soap can whiten your skin. Some cannot really deliver the results you are expecting. But with L-Gluta Power Whitening Soap, expect an awesome improvement in your skin. The glutathione it contains will inhibit the production of melanin in your skin thus providing a natural and radiant glow. To top it all, it does not only work as a whitening soap but a complete skincare product that eliminates skin problems.


L-Gluta Power Anti-Ageing Soap: Is It Really Effective?

As we age, the many signs of aging will come out. Wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots and uneven skin tone will start to annoy you. The thing is, skin aging is inevitable. You cannot prevent it from happening but you certainly can slow down its process. How? Well, this is possible with the use of an anti-aging soap.

Lgluta power anti ageing soap

L-Gluta Power Anti-Ageing Soap is one of the worthy beauty products to spend money for. Unlike other soaps, this anti-aging soap does not promise anything but rather deliver the result you will likely expect in anti-aging products.

L-Gluta Power Anti-Ageing Soap was designed to promote young and healthy skin. It is known as a premium facial soap that contains Alpha Arbutin and Glutathione. These active ingredients are proven to reduce the formation of dark spots and to even out skin tone.

Moreover, L-Gluta Power Anti-Ageing Soap contains Collagen that curves skin cells to make your skin firmer. Its Shea Butter component moisturizes and nourishes the skin to maintain its softness and smoothness.

Aside from these facts, let’s know these active ingredients even more and find out why L-Gluta Power Anti-Ageing Soap is one of the best products the market has to offer. Read on!

  • Alpha Arbutin. This is proven to be the most effective, safest and fastest component in lightening and whitening a person’s skin. It also diminishes liver spots that are common among individuals.
  • Collagen. This is usually found in the connective tissues that aids the elasticity and the physical resistance of the skin because of its identical structure. Collagen contains superior anti-wrinkle capacity and water retention.
  • Shea Butter. This is a good source of vitamin A, E and F that are essential in keeping your skin balance. Shea butter provides various benefits including the following:
    • Protects and moisturizes the skin
    • Maintains, revitalizes and softens skin moisture
    • Evens out skin tone
    • Penetrates deeply into skin to repair elasticity
    • Keeps skin smooth and clear
    • Does not clog pores
    • Evens out skin tone

When to use L-Gluta Power Anti-Ageing Soap?

It is ideal to use anti-aging skins when you feel and see the many signs of aging which include age spots and blotches, lines and wrinkles, dull skin, uneven skin tone and texture, visible pores and increased dryness. However, it is also not a bad idea to use anti-aging soaps before the aging process sets in as a proactive measure. This will help you maintain a healthy skin, slow down the process of aging and hold back the formation of the signs of skin aging.



Skin whitening and skin lightening products, like Royale Kojic Papaya Soap, are very in demand and gaining extra mile in the market place today – online or offline.

Before I share to you how to use this product, I just want to give a quick description of it’s component.

So what is Kojic Acid?

According to WikipediaKojic acid is a chelation agent produced by several species of fungi, especially Aspergillus oryzae, which has the Japanese common name koji. Kojic acid is a by-product in the fermentation process of malting rice, for use in the manufacturing of sake, the Japanese rice wine. It is a mild inhibitor of the formation of pigment in plant and animal tissues, and is used in food and cosmetics to preserve or change colors of substances.

Kojic acid may be used on cut fruits to prevent oxidative browning, in seafood to preserve pink and red colors, and in cosmetics to lighten skin. As an example of the latter, it is used to treat skin diseases like melasma. Kojic acid also has antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Uses of Kojic Acid

  • It is popular in Japan and Korea as a whitening ingredient and beauty regimen.
  • It has a faster result when it comes to exfoliating the skin.
  • Get rids of dead skin cells.
  • To add more of its effectiveness, it is combined with papaya extracts and it maximizes its whitening effect and also heals your damaged skin.
  • Prevents dark spots and pigmentation caused by aging.

Kojic Papaya Soap Is a product by Royalè Business Club, Inc which can diminishes dark areas resulting from excessive pigmentation in the skin and may help eliminate freckles, melasma or other pigmentation. It lightens the skin, helps remove pimples, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin by inhibiting melanin formation.

How To Use and Apply Kojic Papaya Soap To Your Skin

For sensitive skin, apply product to your skin not more than 3 minutes.

For moderately sensitive skin, apply product to your skin for 3-5 minutes.

And for darker skin, apply product to your for 5-10 minutes.

For the face, always lather it with enough water before applying it. Your facial skin is one of the most sensitive part of your body; so use it with caution if your going to try this product for the first time. And don’t forget to also add your neck when you are washing with your face to even to the skin color.

For darker scars, stretch marks, sun burned skin: focus on that area for 5 minutes 2-3 times a day. Apply moisturizers like lotion to prevent drying of skin.

If you are using Kojic acid for a period of time and shift to other products, give your skin some time to adjust to avoid chemical reaction from the present one.

TIP: If you want to test it ifyour skin is suitable and not sensitive to this product, apply and lather soap in the inner part of your hands for 5 or more minutes. I would not recommend to try this product directly on the face because you should consider that your face is really sensitive for trying products like these. If you feel or see NO burning sensation, itchiness and irritation which is the normal reaction for hypersensitivity during or after the test, then you can say that the product is suitable for you. Royalè Kojic Papaya Soap is best use two times a day.


with L-Glutathione, Melawhite & UVA/L/VB Protection


Whitening creams are very in demand. Many people are into it because of the benefits it provides to one’s facial skin. That is why there is no dearth of beauty creams in the market right not because the beauty industry knows that consumers are really into it. But what is really the best whitening cream?

L-Gluta Power Whitening Cream has a combination of proven and tested whitening ingredient, strong antioxidant and UV absorbers. It offers all around defense against harmful effects that cause uneven skin, dark spots and other skin problems. It was not formulated to only lighten the skin but also to make it healthier and moisturized as well.

What it contains

L-Gluta Power Whitening Cream will not be effective without the useful ingredients it contains. Read on!

  • Melawhite. L-Gluta Power Whitening Cream contains melawhite that is known to reduce skin blemishes cause by the process of aging and the sun. Melawhite can lessen pigmentation of the skin, increase elasticity and improve its firmness and helps prevent inflammation and irritation brought by excessive exposure from the sun and pollution.
  • Glutathione. This is an anti-aging amino acid and antioxidant that provides various benefits. Glutathione is a tripeptide that contains three essential nutrients such as glycine, cysteine and glutamic. It is beneficial in detoxifying, rejuvenating, maintaining and protecting all body cells. It can also delay the process of aging thus helping its users to look and feel younger. Moreover, glutathione has whitening effects. It can reduce blemishes, dark spots, wrinkles, acne and other skin problems.

Its benefits

Royale L-Glutathione Power Whitening Cream offers various benefits. When you use it, you can immediately feel its good and rejuvenating effect. What are these benefits then?

  • Visibly lighter and whiter skin
  • Lessens dark spots and marks
  • Improves skin condition and whiten it on the process
  • Moisturize and nourish skin
  • Gives clear and even toned skin
  • Refines skin pores
  • Treats and prevents further skin damage cause by pollution, sun exposure and irritation
  • Skin feels even more relax and smoother

Why choose it over other brands?

L-Gluta Power Whitening Cream is different from other creams. It really delivers good results in just a matter of time. It does not offer empty promises through interesting and enticing advertisements both in TV and print.

When you use the product, you will know why it is different from the rest. It will give your skin the radiant and healthy glow it deserves. It will also help you get rid of skin problems such as pimples, acne, wrinkles, dark spots and fine lines that can ruin your confidence at one point or another. To top it all, your money won’t go down the drain as you decide to buy this awesome skin care product.

Royale L Glutathione Power Anti-Ageing Cream: Your Skin Solution

antiagingcreamThere is no dearth of beauty products to choose from. In fact, a wide array of anti-ageing creams, lotions and other beauty products are all over the market. Though this can be a good thing, consumers are having a hard time identifying brands that really deliver best results. Your choice? It should be L-Gluta Power Anti-Ageing Cream.

L-Gluta Power Anti-Ageing Cream can provide all around defenses in fighting causative factors of uneven skin and dark spots. It is known in reducing existing pigmentation and works to prevent further development of new ones. More so, it is proven to lighten and make the skin healthier.

What it contains

L-Gluta Power Anti-Ageing Cream has a unique blend of ingredients that keeps your skin young and radiant while eliminating skin imperfections cause by aging skin. What are these ingredients then?


This is the first synthetic peptide developed to stimulate the natural mechanism of the skin to generate collagen. Syn-Coll is a bio-active ingredient that removes wrinkles, repairs stretch marks, lightens dark spots and regenerates skin cells.

Syn-Coll is proven safe and effective that also works as anti-aging amino acids that slows down aging and enhance skin condition. It also protects cells in the body and may help avoid skin cancer. Moreover, it has moisturizing and skin firming properties and is now considered as a useful alternative to collagen injections.


 L-Gluta Power Anti-Ageing Cream also contains nectapure, a special plant extract with superior moisturizing and anti-oxidative properties. It is also known as a natural remedy against “city stress” cause by depleted ozone and pollution. It helps prevent loss of elasticity and skin vitality and fights wrinkles.

Nectapure comes from delicate but pollution resistant plants combined with Swiss Mountain Water. The plants used have grown in Swiss Alps and are certified organic.  It has been reported that the water in this place is well-balanced and pure thus helping nectapure to be the real treatment against skin disease, stress and viruses.

Nectapure essential properties are:

  • Radical protecting
  • Anti-oxidative
  • Moisturizing
  • Anti-pollution treatment

Nectapure functions include:

  • Moisturizing, soothing and healing
  • Anti-aging (anti-oxidant, anti-pollution, photo-ageing protection)
  • Anti-microbialevents sun damage

Benefits of L-Gluta Power Anti-Ageing Cream

L-Gluta Power Anti-Ageing Cream provides various benefits which include:

  • Visibly lighter skin
  • Reduced marks and dark spots
  • Clearly even toned skin
  • Smooth and relax skin
  • Moisturized skin and refined pores
  • UV protection helping avoid sun damage


 (with Glutathione, Arbutin & Vitamin E)


Royale Beauty L-Gluta Power Anti-Perspirant & Deodorant provides all-day-long protection from body odor with tri-active complex that whitens and smoothens underarm with regular use. It also gives that all day feeling of freshness and dryness. This deodorant is specially formulated for underarm skin combining highly effective skin whitening agents that whitens underarms in just 2 weeks.

Contains the following benefits and active ingredients: 

Glutathione – King Antioxidant & Anti-Aging Amino Acid

  • powerful skin whitening ingredient that prevents skin darkening and reduces existing pigmentation
  • anti-aging amino acid that DELAYS AGING and improves skin condition


  • another powerful skin whitening ingredient that prevents skin darkening and reduces existing pigmentation
  • biosynthetic active ingredient which is the most effective, faster, safer approach to skin lightening
  • evens skin tone on all skin types
  • protects skin against damage from free radicals
  • has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
  • as non-toxic, non-irritating effect on the skin 

VITAMIN E – Powerful Antioxidant  

  • improves and nourishes underarm skin’s texture making it smooth 



with L-Glutathione, Vitamin E and UV protection
download (4)

The fascination for whiter and flawless skin seems to be never-ending. Many people are doing everything just to get a glowing and radiating skin. While this may seem quite far-fetched before, today’s technology and enhanced beauty industry makes things easier for people who want to have visibly lighter skin.

With the use of skincare products like lotions, improving your skin is now easier. Lotions can also nourish and moisturize your skin while leaving it whiter and healthier. The thing is, not all lotions can do all these. Some are only good as moisturizers while others as whiteners. With this, you are not really getting aPRODUCTthat is worth every penny. So, why not get a lotion that can provide what your skin exactly needs?

Royale L-GlutaPower Whitening Lotion is not just your regular lotion. It is rich in vitamin E that is proven to nourish, moisturize and protect your skin from free radicals such as cancer-causing agents and pollution. It also contains a strong antioxidant with anti-aging properties to give your skin a youthful glow. It also has UVA/UVB protection that helps defend your skin from sun damage and UV rays.

L-GlutaPower Whitening Lotion has a similar scent of Victoria’s Secret. The catch? It is cheaper but with similar effect. Moreover, unlike other lotions, L-GlutaPower has non-greasy and non-sticky feel and will give you good results faster than other brands!

What it contains

L-GlutaPower Whitening Lotion contains the following active ingredients:

  • Glutathione. This is known as the king of anti-oxidant and anti-aging amino acid. Glutathione will help prevent skin cancer and will guard the cells all over your body.
  • Vitamin E. L-GlutaPower Whitening Lotion also contains this strong antioxidant and free radical scavenger that is known to slow down aging process and make your skin feel and look younger. 

Its benefits

L-GlutaPower Whitening Lotion offers the following benefits:

  • Moisture. Like other lotions, L-GlutaPower Lotion contains essential oil that will provide the elasticity and moisture your skin requires. They are easily absorbed by the skin to repair and sooth dry skin.
  • Protection.  L-GlutaPower Whitening Lotion can protect your skin from damages cause by sun, pollution and irritation.
  • Anti-aging. With the anti-aging properties it contains, you can reduce or eliminate age spots, fine lines, wrinkles, dry skin and the other signs of aging thus slowing down the process of aging.
  • Skin color. L-GlutaPower Lotion is proven to lighten the skin because of the beneficial compounds it contains.
  • Scent. L-GlutaPower has a fresh and fantastic scent which is less potent than colognes or perfumes. Hence, it is ideal for individuals who are sensitive to perfumes but still want to smell good.



with L-Glutathione, Lycopene & Arbutin


Formulated using the unique technology of skin micro-exfoliation, this cleansing and brightening toner deeply cleanses as it promotes cell renewal. The combination of Gluta complex with Arbutin and Lycopene provides your skin with brighter complexion and natural radiance, lighter and even skin-tone, and refined pores. It also helps treat pimples and remove black heads. 

Contains the following active ingredients:

Glutathione: King Antioxidant & Anti-Aging Amino Acid 

  • anti-aging amino acid that DELAYS AGING and improves skin condition 
  • protects cells throughout the body, and may help PREVENT SKIN CANCER 

Lycopene – Best Free Radical Scavenger  

  •  gives rose its pinkish color, also responsible for reddish color in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables, and naturally found in human skin but gets depleted over time 
  • keeps skin healthy, influences the color of your skin, and help reduce damage to skin caused by UV light, sun exposure, radiation, and pollution 
  • possesses antibacterial, antifungal, and antitoxic properties 


  •  biosynthetic active ingredient which is the most effective, faster, safer approach to skin lightening 
  • evens skin tone on all skin types 
  • minimizes liver spots (age spots) and freckles 
  • effective on hyperpigmentation problems 
  • protects skin against damage from free radicals 
  • has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties 
  • has non-toxic, non-irritating effect on the skin 




with Glutathione & Arbutin


Pinkish Glow Cream is guaranteed to make your skin bright, young looking and with luminous pinkish glow in 7 days! It has superior skin lightening effect that promotes long-term skin luminosity and radiance. It not only brightens your facial skin but also MAKES it smooth and free of blemishes and dark spots. In addition, it has sun protection factor. It contains two powerful antioxidants, glutathione and lycopene, which help reduce oxidative damage that occurs from daily sun exposure and other environmental pollutants. They also prevent premature aging and promote young skin. The natural red pigment in lycopene imparts pinkish glow to your skin.

Contains the following active ingredients:

Glutathione – King Antioxidant & Anti-Aging Amino Acid
anti-aging amino acid that DELAYS AGING and improves skin condition
prevent thick scar formation, aids in healing and accelerates healing of burns

Lycopene – Best Free Radical Scavenger
gives rose its pinkish color, also responsible for reddish color in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables, and naturally found in human skin but gets depleted over time
keeps skin healthy, influences the color of your skin, and help reduce damage to skin caused by UV light, sun exposure, radiation, and pollution
possesses antibacterial, antifungal, and antitoxic properties

Alpha Arbutin
biosynthetic ACTIVE ingredient which is the most effective, faster, safer approach to skin lightening
evens skin tone on all skin types
minimizes liver spots (age spots) and freckles
effective on hyperpigmentation problems
protects skin against damage from free radicals
has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
has non-toxic, non-irritating effect on the skin


Pamper and Nourish your Lips


A petro chemical free lipstick which moisturizes, nourishes and protect lips, with ingredients and colorants that are carefully selected and widely known to be safe; with natural moisturizers/ ACTIVES proven to be effective. With the following natural actives:

Shea butter
A natural emollient and moisturizer; has a high content of unsaponifiable lipids, cinnamic acid as well as natural phytosterols and tocopherols; derived from totally renewable resources which are the safe, non-toxic and non-irritant; has excellent sensory properties; prevents wrinkle formation and soothes irritated and chapped lips; has a natural UVB protection and anti inflammatory property.

Grape Seed Oil
Rich in linoleic acid (Omega 6) and contains VITAMINE which are easily absorved and provides a silky feel on lips and skin.

Vitamin E
An anti-oxidant and free radical scavenger which retards the ageing process.

A natural sunscreen oil which protects the lips from sun’s harmful rays.