Food Supplements

gluta22L-Glutha Power 462mg/700mg

700mg/capsule and 462mg/capsule


With Grape Seed Extract & Vitamin C


Glutathione is a natural compound found in the human body made from 3 amino acids: Cysteine, Glutamine and Glycine. Cysteine is one of the amino acid for the synthesis of Glutathione, which is very critical in detoxification. Cysteine has mucolytic properties, and is a powerful antioxidant and detoxifier. Glycine, part of the thiol group, which serves as a reducing agent to prevent oxidation of tissues. Glutathione is normally produced by the body in response to today’s environment such as pollution from the air we breathe, the water we drink, chemicals and pesticides in the food we eat that causes damages in our cells and circulatory system. It has been widely heralded for its importance in improving health and long life. Glutathione in increased doses has also been found to have the beneficial side effect of WHITENING THE SKIN.


  • metabolize carbohydrates
  • aid in the oxidation of fats
  • prevent cells oxidation
  • protect red and white blood cells
  • build healthy immune response
  • protect the system against oxidative damage
  • slow ageing and improve skin condition


  • people who smoke
  • people undergoing chemotherapy
  • people with low sperm count
  • people with liver problem
  • people who drink alcohol
  • people who work out regularly/body builders
  • people with weak immune system
  • people who are regularly exposed to chemicals/pesticides
  • people who wish to have fairer & whiter skin

ANTIOXIDANT – It is a powerful anti-oxidant that protects the body by targeting and destroying reactive oxygen molecules and free radicals. It is found in high concentrations in the liver, where it binds to heavy metals such as mercury and lead, chemical pollutants, and carcinogens and transforms them into a form that can be easily flushed out of the body via enzymatic pathways.

IMMUNE SYSTEM BOOSTER – Immune Depressed individuals have lower Glutathione (GSH) levels when fighting disease. Lymphocytes, cells vital for your immune response, depend on GSH for their proper function and replication. Cellular depletion of Glutathione has been implicated as a causative or contributory factor in many pathologies including Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, cataracts, arteriosclerosis, cystic fibrosis, malnutrition, aging, AIDS and cancer. In addition, Glutathione is essential in supporting the immune system, including natural killer cells and in the maintenance of T-lymphocytes

DETOXIFIER – Glutathione detoxifies many pollutants, carcinogens and poisons, including many in fuel exhaust and cigarette smoke. It retards damage from radiation such as seen with loss of the ozone. The liver is the main detoxification organ of the body. In the liver we find very high concentrations of Glutathione, as it is a major factor in numerous biochemical detoxification pathways. Numerous studies have demonstrated that patients with compromised liver function due to alcohol abuse have significant reduction of Glutathione in the liver. 


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Royale Pinkish Glow Capsules
(L-Glutathione with Lycopene, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin C and E)


Get that natural blooming skin you’ve always wanted using the combination of 5 powerful antioxidants that protect your body from aging and other diseases!

Lycopene – Best Free Radical Scavenger

  • gives rose its pinkish color, also responsible for reddish color in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables, and naturally found in human skin but gets depleted over time
  • best free radical scavenger and at least twice as effective antioxidant as beta-carotene 
  • fights cancer and aging-related diseases 
  • prevents heart disease and arteriosclerosis 
  • keeps skin healthy, influences the color of your skin, and help reduce damage to skin caused by UV light, sun exposure, radiation, and pollution 
  • possesses antibacterial, antifungal, and antitoxic properties 
  • help to reduce inflammation of the gums and can help to fight infections 
  • protects diabetes patients against cardiovascular disease and may improve the immune response  

L-Glutathione – King Antioxidant & Anti-Aging Amino Acid
(* reduced form – the highest grade, most effective, and safest form of glutathione) 

  •  triple-powered antioxidant that is a natural compound produced in the liver and defends your body against illnesses, infections, toxins, and diseases. Unfortunately, as we age, glutathione levels in our body drop which mean less protection from harmful diseases like diabetes, liver cirrhosis, and cancer, so supplementation is necessary. 
  • functions as an immune system booster and food for the white blood cells 
  • anti-aging amino acid that DELAYS AGING and improves skin condition 
  • detoxifies liver from pollutants, pesticides, carcinogens, fuel exhaust, cigarette smoke, heavy metals and drugs, and improves liver function 
  • protects skin and retards damage from UV radiation exposure due to eroding ozone layer 
  • protects against detrimental effects of cigarette smoke, alcohol abuse, and radiation poisoning 
  • prevent the harmful side effects of high dose radiation in chemotherapy and X-rays 
  • protects cells throughout the body, as well as all organ tissues, and may help PREVENT KIDNEY DAMAGE AND CANCER, especially of the liver. 
  • used as an anti-inflammatory treatment for arthritis and allergies 
  • works to help improve mental functions and concentration 
  • increases energy, strength and endurance thus improving athletic performance 
  • boosts sexual potency 
  • induces faster recovery from physical stress and injury, and lessen muscle pain and fatigue 
  • improves heart and lung function
  • important in improving health and long life 
  • Glutathione in INCREASED DOSAGE has the side effects of WHITENING THE SKIN. 
  • also used in prevention and treatment of cancer, hepatitis, liver problems, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, hypoglycemia, cataract, skin problems, psoriasis, acne, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, kidney diseases, macular degeneration (a gradual loss of the central part of the field of vision), cardiovascular diseases, low sperm count, neurological diseases, peptic ulcer, high blood pressure, cystic fibrosis, malnutrition, digestive and pulmonary diseases, etc. 
  • supports natural killer cells and in the maintenance of T-lymphocytes

*Reduced Glutathione is Superior to Un-reduced
Reduced glutathione does not mean it is weak and provides less effect. Reduced glutathione is the term used by experts to distinguish the highest grade and safest form of glutathione available in the market. Most brands, are in the unreduced form. In the long run, unreduced glutathione can cause ill effects on the body and physical appearance. The Woodlands Healing Research Center in Philadelphia,USA, declared that “glutathione must be in the reduced form to work properly. The unreduced form is much cheaper and isn’t metabollically active.”

Alpha Lipoic Acid – Universal Antioxidant 

  • an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and used in prevention of various diseases 
  • works together with Vitamin C and E, important for growth, helps prevent cell damage and helps body get rid itself of harmful substances 
  • increases the formation of glutathione thus helping in liver detoxification 
  • converts glucose (blood sugar) into energy, and lowers blood sugar levels 
  • protects brain and nerve tissue 
  • useful in treatment of chronic hepatitis by relieving liver stress and help eliminate body toxins 
  • relieves symptoms (pain, burning, itching, tingling and numbness) of peripheral neuropathy caused by diabetes 
  • helps prevent kidney damage and other serious complications from diabetes 
  • helps reverse negative effects to the brain caused by strokes 
  • protects lens and retina of the eyes from degeneration and help alleviate glaucoma 
  • beneficial to patients with diabetes, early stages of cataracts, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular problems 

  Vitamin E/ Tocopherol – Powerful Antioxidant

  • keeps you looking younger by retarding cellular aging 
  • protects your lungs from air pollution by working together with Vitamin A 
  • gives you more endurance and alleviate fatigue 
  • prevents thick scar formation, aids in healing and accelerates healing of burns 
  • lowers blood pressure by working as diuretic 
  • boosts immune system’s ability to fight infectious disease 
  • lower risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease 
  • break down fats and increase oxygen effeciency, thus increasing fitness 
  • alleviates respiratory problems 
  • anti-coagulant (prevent thrombosis or formation of blood clots within a blood vessel) 
  • alleviates leg cramps and is vital for nervous system to function correctly 
  • protects body cells and important nutrients 
  • prevents miscarriages

Vitamin C – Potent Antioxidant

  • aids in preventing many types of viral and bacterial infections, boosts immunity, important for immune system to function effectively 
  • speeds healing of wounds, torn tissues, burns and bleeding gums, and ensures growth 
  • helps decrease blood cholesterol 
  • relieves stress, alcoholism, toxic poisoning and osteoarthritis 
  • offer protection against many forms of cancer and counteract formation of cancer-causing substances 
  • aid in treatment and prevention of common colds and flu 
  • reduce effect of many allergy-producing substances 
  • acts as natural laxative 
  • lower incidence of blood clots in veins 
  • prevent scurvy (disease caused by a lack of vitamin C) 
  • helps body absorb iron properly and breakdown folic acid into a form which the body can use 


Pinkish Glow works better in people with white skin. For best results, first take L-Gluta Power to achieve a fair complexion. Then, use Pinkish Glow after L-Gluta Power has taken effect. Take 1 capsule daily or as prescribed by physician.


Royale-C: Why Choose It over Other Vitamins

Our body needs vitamins. Without it, we are prone to stress, diseases and infections. While there is no dearth of vitamins and supplements in the market right now, choosing the right one that best supports overall health is not easy. Worst, it becomes even more difficult with the range of products to choose from. Which one should you really choose?

Royale-C is one of the best vitamins you can include in your diet. It can be easily absorbed by your system since it is tummy-friendly and it is alkaline-non-acidic. But for most parts, it is dubbed as the mother of all vitamins.

Why take it?

Royale-C contains sodium ascorbate. Now, what makes it special? The thing is, GLO gene is not present in most people. Several studies proved that the nonexistence of this gene in our body makes us incapable to biosynthesize enzyme L-gulonolactone oxidase. It is a liver enzyme that converts blood glucose into ascorbate. In the cliché, its absence won’t allow our bodies to produce ascorbate.

When this happens, our teeth will start to fall out and our bones will dissolve that may lead to the development of cancer. This is where supplementation of ascorbate comes into the picture. When you take Royale-C daily, you are making up for this genetic defect thus helping you avoid any fatal health issues brought by insufficiency of sodium ascorbate.

Moreover, ascorbate is vital to the formation of hydroxyproline. It is a major piece of collagen which is an important structural protein in our system and vital to the structural veracity of our bodies. Ascorbate is also essential in keeping our bodies hale and hearty and fighting chronic diseases especially for pregnant women who need enough amount of ascorbate to keep themselves and their babies healthy.

Benefits of Roayle-C

When you take Royale-C, you will likely experience the following benefits:

  • Better immune system
  • Stronger joints and bones
  • Improved iron absorption
  • Detoxified body
  • Stronger capillaries & other blood vessels
  • Collagen renewal
  • Being able to prevent cardiovascular problems
  • Reduced insulin requirement of  diabetics
  • Alleviated constipation and shrink hemorrhoids
  • Reduced weakened sperms
  • Avoids infertility
  • Enhanced sexual performance

Royale-C can also address the harmful effects of:

  • Nose bleed
  • Loose teeth
  • Fatigue and stress
  • Rough skin
  • Poor digestion
  • Cough
  • Scurvy
  • Cancer
  • Adrenal insufficiency
  • Allergies
  • Cataracts
  • Free radicals
  • Inflammation cause by arthritis
  • Effects of radiation and pollution
  • Mental illness
  • Glaucoma
  • Alcoholism
  • Depression
  • Periodontal disease
  • Bleeding gums
  • Confusion
  • Colds
  • Bone abnormalities
  • Dental cavities
  • Easy bruising

Royale-C is proven to help maintain a healthy body while fighting chronic diseases. With the components it contains, you get the chance to live a healthier and happier lifestyle especially when you incorporate it with the right diet. So, why not try it now and feel the difference?

download (2)FIBERICH

Royale Fiberich is your partner in achieving a clean, healthy and well-toned firm body. It is made from 100% psyllium seed husk — a natural fiber grain that is packed with countless health benefits.

  • It helps improve the digestive system.
  • Helps eliminate constipation
  • Helps in weight loss by suppressing cravings.
  • Lowers blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels
  • Helps prevent chronic diseases.

Royale Fiberich is a 100% psyllium seed husk that comes from the crushed seeds of the plantago ovata plant. Psyllium is a natural fiber grain, but not related to wheat, that yields 60 to 70 percent water-soluble fiber, and eight times that of oat bran. Psyllium contain an abundant amount of mucilage that is known to be effective in diarrhea treatment, constipation, and is safe and effective as weight loss aid.

Benefits of Royale Fiberich

  • Royale Fiberich is effective in eliminating constipation and other problems with bowel movement
  • Effective in suppressing the appetite to help you lose weight. (Use Fiberich with Royale Fitshape to maximize weight loss potential)
  • A good alternative for people who are not fond of eating fiber rich foods like vegetables, wheat, grain, etc.
  • A good way to help in cholesterol and blood sugar regulation.


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Spirulina is one of Earth’s oldest life forms. It is a blue-green algae whose cells have a shape of a spiral coil. It aids in producing oxygen in the atmosphere for other life forms to exist several decades ago. But now, it is considered as “superfood” because of its high concentration of nutrients. Several studies even suggest that you will survive with spirulina and water alone.

Royale Spirulina is a supplement with a powerhouse status. The 60-70% protein found in spirulina suggests that the supplement contains 8 essential amino acids and 10 non-essential nutrients which helps develop good health. In the cliché, that is more nutrients than you will find in chicken, beef or soybeans.

Royale Spirulina is proven to be safe and effective in protecting our bodies from radiation. It has no side effects and can help detoxify your body when you slowly add it into your diet. It contains vitamins B, D, E and K, iodine, calcium, magnesium, chromium, potassium, copper, phosphorus, zinc and selenium which are essential for your health and in fighting chronic diseases.

Why take it?

There are several reasons why you need to take Royale Spirulina. Read on to know a few of them!

  • Its key nutrients will help you maintain good health, get ideal weight, prevent degenerative and chronic diseases and maximize longevity.
  • Royale Spirulina is also a good source of life energy and vitality. Once you include it in your diet, you will experience improvement in overall health and increase in energy.
  • Its omega fatty acid content will help you avoid heart disease, reduce osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, bad cholesterol and lower depression.
  • Its vitamin B12 will help you develop healthy nerve tissue and every cell in your body thus helping you avoid fibromyalgia and nerve damage.
  • Its beta carotene component, eventually converted into vitamin A, aids healthy bones, teeth, eyes, mucous membranes and improves immunity.
  • Royale Spirulina is rich in carotenoids, phytonutrients and antioxidants which are essential in detoxifying kidneys and liver and in protecting the brain.

Its benefits

Royale Spirulina provides various benefits including the following:

  • It increases antioxidant protection
  • Curbs appetite and support weight loss
  • Fights aging process and free radicals
  • Improves digestion process and aids health cardiovascular function
  • Controls the development of yeasts and pathogenic bacteria
  • Increases functionality of spleen cells, bone marrow and thymus
  • Improves skin, eczema, age spots, rashes and acne.
  • Enhances exercise performance

Who should take it?

The following should take advantage of Royale Spirulina:

  • Children with insufficient vegetable ingestion.
  • Teenagers who need additional nutrients on rapid growing stage.
  • Women who require balanced health during pregnancy.
  • Elderly who require various nutrients to sustain better health despite of limited food options.
  • People who are active in sports.
  • Individuals suffering from diseases who need proper nourishments for recovery.
  • People who rely on processed foods and opt for unhealthy meals.
  • Vegetarians.

Final thoughts

Royale Spirulina is truly beneficial to one’s health. With the benefits it can provide, there is no reason why you wouldn’t be getting your ideal weight while maintaining a good health. It is indeed worth every penny you spent for it. Be healthy!


Be healthy and protect yourself from viruses and other diseases with Royale Prime Multivitamins. It provides nearly all key vitamins that our body needs. Royale Prime Multivitamins boost the immune system and improve overall health with the help of the complete and potent vitamins it contains. This product is recommended for people who are always stressed and prone to diseases.

Royale Prime is a multivitamins specifically formulated to provide almost every key nutrients needed by our body. It can supplement our lack of nutrients brought by unhealthy lifestyle and unbalanced diet. Royale Prime multivitamins boost the body’s immune system and keeps it away from chronic diseases and a wide array of illnesses. Furthermore, it keeps the body energized to maintain its function even during times of stress and fatigue.


Benefits of Royale Prime

  • Helps regulate blood cholesterol and high blood pressure
  • Lower risk of heart diseases
  • Boosts immune system
  • Lower risk of chronic diseases and cancer
  • Help fight stress and fatigue
  • Energize the body

Key Ingredients of Royale Prime Multivitamins

Royale Prime contains high potency and effective vitamins such as Vitamin A, B12, C, D and Organic B Vitamins.

  • Vitamin A. Is the key for better vision, healthy immune system and cellular growth.
  • Vitamin B12. Supports better blood circulation which is extremely good for people experiencing High Blood Pressure because of high cholesterol levels.
  • Vitamin C. The most common antioxidant that boosts the immune system and help fight degenerative diseases.
  • Vitamin D3. According to some studies, Vitamin D3 acts like a booster that helps maximize immune response and other health benefits from other nutrients.
  • Organic B Vitamins. Royale makes sure that water soluble vitamins found in organic lemon, holy basil and guava are well-concentrated to produce a B-complex blend of exceptional high potency.


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